Leo en Esa La He Visto que la famosa revista de cine Premiere Magazine ha publicado una lista de los 100 Mejores Personajes de la Historia del Cine.
Dicha lista sitúa a Gollum en el puesto décimo, por delante de grandes personajes (e interpretaciones) como Charles Foster Kane (Ciudadano Kane), Hannibal Lecter (El Silencio de los Corderos) o Rick Blaine (Casablanca). Es una fuerte apuesta por un personaje joven en el Cine. Lo justifican de esta forma:
We loved him on the page: The slithering, tragicomical Gollum is one of the great creations of fantasy novelist J.R.R. Tolkien. But to launch this erstwhile hobbit, who has been corrupted by the evil ring, out of our imaginations and onto the big screen required a leap forward in film technology. And behold: the first truly realistic computer-generated creature with a character arc. Much credit goes to Serkis, whose reptilian body movements and hilariously pathetic voice infused the miserable miscreant with life?but props also to Jackson and his computer whizzes, who made us eager to watch Gollum?s every move and gasp at his deathly dance, which, finally, decides the fate of Middle-earth.
Defining Moment: When we first see Gollum in all his twisted, tortured glory, in 2002?s The Two Towers, he is wrestling with himself over whether to betray the hobbits. It?s a bipolar disorder of epic (and Oscar-worthy) proportions.
Os copio los primeros 30 puestos, para que podáis ver dónde se ha metido nuestro pequeño Smeagol. Como aquí somos bastante frikies, destacaré también el octavo puesto de la Teniente Ripley, en la nunca suficientemente valorada Alien.
- Vito Corleone of The Godfather
- Fred C. Dobbs of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- Scarlett O'Hara of Gone With the Wind
- Norman Bates of Psycho
- James Bond of Dr. No
- Annie Hall of Annie Hall
- Indiana Jones of Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Ellen Ripley of Alien
- Jeff Spicoli of Fast Times at Ridgemont High
- Gollum of Lord of the Rings
- Margo Channing of All About Eve
- Charles Foster Kane of Citizen Kane
- Atticus Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird
- Randle McMurphy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Hannibal Lecter of The Silence of the Lambs
- Robin Hood of The Adventures of Robin Hood
- Dorothy Gale of The Wizard of Oz
- Carl Spackler of Caddyshack
- Rick Blaine of Casablanca
- Virgil Tibbs of In the Heat of the Night
- Susan Vance of Bringing up Baby
- Travis Bickle of Taxi Driver
- Eathan Edwards of The Searchers
- The Little Tramp of Mabel's Strange Predicament
- Gordon Gekko of Wall Street
- E.T. of E.T. the Extraterrestrial
- Marge Gunderson of Fargo
- Captain Quint of Jaws
- Daphne/Jerry of Some Like it Hot
- King Kong of King Kong