Disclaimer: Out of necessity, this entry will be shorter than I would like and in Spanish, despite most of my readers (according to Google Analytics) do not have Spanish as their main language.
The Science that studies my interests and concerns
The Science that studies my interests and concerns
It has been a week since I returned from another intense and thought-provoking weekend in Brussels, although it still feels like it was just yesterday. This year, apart from attending FOSDEM (as I intend to do every year) I took a very early flight on Friday to visit new (for me) places in the city. In just one day I visited the European Parliament Hemicycle, the House of European History, the Parlamentarium and the Museum of Natural Sciences. My most productive Friday in months, for sure.
After an interesting Saturday, finished with a great dinner with some friends in one of our favorite restaurants in Brussels, my Sunday at FOSDEM started again very early.
Last week I had the huge pleasure to participate in a week-long Security Summer Camp organized by the Information Security department of ING Spain. The agenda was very promising and implied some theory and lots of practice, ending with an Escape the Room game and a 2,5 days long Capture The Flag hacking competition. Several speakers from the Infosec Squad prepared talks and workshops about different topics, focusing on Ethical Hacking, secure development, server hardening or OSINT.