
The Science that studies my interests and concerns


13-Minute Read

Mont Saint-Michel

Some months ago I wrote in the blog about my road trip through the Romantikstraße in Austria. I shared the trip with Agatha and it went great, so we took advantage of the fact that we both had several pending holidays for this year and repeated the experience in two of the most beautiful regions in France: Normandy and Brittany. This post will be a summary of our experience in Normandy and hopefully I’ll be able to write a similar one for Brittany.


6-Minute Read

Globo de la Ciencia y la Innovación

Hace unos días publiqué una Guía para visitar el CERN que tuvo bastante éxito y mucha gente me ha solicitado más información sobre la visita. Para completar en lo posible, aunque sin entrar a valorar aquello que puede encontrarse fácilmente en Google sobre el CERN, voy a relatar mi visita añadiendo toda la información de tipo práctico que crea útil.

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Ludopath, technopath, cinephile, skeptic and, by every definition, early adopter