
The Science that studies my interests and concerns


7-Minute Read

Schallaburg Castle and garden

A couple of weeks ago I had the immense pleasure of making a road trip through Austria following what they call the Romantikstraße, Romantic Road or Romantic Trail in English. Interestingly, ours was a singles trip initially planned for three friends but sadly in the end we were only two because at the last minute Roberto had to cancel. I shared this great adventure only with Agatha and it was great (as expected). I suppose that in the eyes of any innkeeper or bartender we were a happy couple…


3-Minute Read

Font de la Cascada - Parc de la Ciutadella

Hace unas horas que llegué de mi viaje por Barcelona. Tras darme un reconstituyente baño caliente, ponerme al día con el correo y ojear todos vuestros blogs, escribo un pequeño post de agradecimiento para que sepáis que llegué bien.

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Ludopath, technopath, cinephile, skeptic and, by every definition, early adopter