
The Science that studies my interests and concerns


13-Minute Read

Mont Saint-Michel

Some months ago I wrote in the blog about my road trip through the Romantikstraße in Austria. I shared the trip with Agatha and it went great, so we took advantage of the fact that we both had several pending holidays for this year and repeated the experience in two of the most beautiful regions in France: Normandy and Brittany. This post will be a summary of our experience in Normandy and hopefully I’ll be able to write a similar one for Brittany.


7-Minute Read

Schallaburg Castle and garden

A couple of weeks ago I had the immense pleasure of making a road trip through Austria following what they call the Romantikstraße, Romantic Road or Romantic Trail in English. Interestingly, ours was a singles trip initially planned for three friends but sadly in the end we were only two because at the last minute Roberto had to cancel. I shared this great adventure only with Agatha and it was great (as expected). I suppose that in the eyes of any innkeeper or bartender we were a happy couple…


3-Minute Read

Font de la Cascada - Parc de la Ciutadella

Hace unas horas que llegué de mi viaje por Barcelona. Tras darme un reconstituyente baño caliente, ponerme al día con el correo y ojear todos vuestros blogs, escribo un pequeño post de agradecimiento para que sepáis que llegué bien.

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Ludopath, technopath, cinephile, skeptic and, by every definition, early adopter